Training methods I used to max

This guide will detail what I used 1-99 for each skill and extra tips for how to avoid bans.

I prioritised methods that are locked behind quests/diaries and methods that were more AFK as this involves less clicks and gives less information to be detected for botting.


  • Agility courses

Agility is the highest ban rate skill and should always be done in short sessions of 1-3 hours. Early levels should be quested and then trained inbetween other skills.

Recommended route is 1-99 doing the highest agility course available using the Auto agility plugin.

Auto Runelite Plugins

Alternatively use the Macro recorder on the Colossal Wyrm Agility course or rooftops that you won’t fail on.

Macro Recorder


  • Crabs
  • NMZ
  • Pest control

Combat is easy enough as there are plenty of AFK methods to train.

AFK combat training e.g. Sand/Rock/Ammonite crabs, cannoning with the Macro Recorder/AHK Skiller

Early levels can be done at Sand crabs using the Macro recorder. Recommended to unlock Ammonite crabs or use the Sand crab spots in Varlamore.

Mark the tile to AFK on with a color and use the color click feature to realign the character after recording moving away from the spot.

Macro Recorder

Unlocking the Void knight outfit is beneficial for combat exp as well as looking less like a bot.

Auto Runelite Plugins

Cannoning can be done AFK using the AHK cannon refill script, or use the Macro recorder to multi-skill while cannoning

AHK Skiller


  • Phials contruction at Rimmington

All construction methods in the POH are possible with the Macro recorder

Method by unnoting at Phials

Tag Phials, the entry/exit Portal and the building spot with 4 different colors.

Use the color clicking of the Macro recorder to click each object without missing.

Macro Recorder


  • Fish to 35
  • Wines to 99

All cooking methods are possible with the Macro recorder

Use the best cooking spots you have available e.g. Rogues den, Myths Guild, Hosidius kitchen when cooking fish.

Once level 35 you can begin bank standing with wines. Make sure to leave enough time for the exp to drop as levelling so your cooking level increases and reduces fail rate.

Macro Recorder

The AHK Skiller supports wines and Lunar bake pie spell as well.

AHK Skiller


  • Glassblowing
  • Cutting gems
  • Lunar spells

All crafting methods are possible with the Macro recorder

Crafting is extremely useful to max early for an unlimited teleport to a bank.

Bankstanding skills are the least likely to misclick and is what I would recommend. Crafting at a furnace is good for profit depending on prices.

Unlocking Lunar spells for String Jewellery, Spin flax and Superglass make are good for multiskilling magic.

Macro Recorder


  • Mostly manual tree runs
  • Tithe farm

Use the Auto Tithe Farm plugin for the farming outfit and relevant unlocks.

Auto Runelite Plugins

With great difficulty you can automate limited tree runs with the Macro Recorder, however personally was not worth the effort as Farming is fast as it is.


  • Campfires
  • Wintertodt with Hitpoints cape/regen bracelet

Making campfires is easy to bankstand using the Macro recorder. It’s also possible to macro record lines of fires, however can be unreliable.

Macro Recorder

After getting the Hitpoints cape and regen bracelet, you no longer need food in Wintertodt making Macro recording completely safe. Tag the roots and brazier two different colors and alternate clicking the two.


  • Karambwans
  • Fishing spots that don’t move
  • Minnows

There are 3 spots that do not move, Karambwans, Cave eels near Fairy Ring AJQ and south of Prifddinas. These are easy to Macro record without fail and can be done to 99.

Minnows can also be done by tagging one spot with color and using the Macro recorder color clicking, however this is not advised for long periods due to high ban rates.

Macro Recorder

Alternatively, you can use the Auto Power training Plugins for any other spot to vary it up.

Auto Runelite Plugins


  • Darts/bolts for early levels
  • Bows to 99

All fletching methods are possible with the Macro recorder. If spamming darts, keep the sessions short.

Macro Recorder


  • Potions
  • Degrime spell
  • Auto Mastering Mixology plugin

Macro record best potions you can make or cast Degrime for multi skilling with magic.

Cleaning herbs by clicking is not recommended long term as it is extremely click intensive with minimal profit.

Macro Recorder

At higher levels, use the Auto Mastering Mixology plugin for important unlocks

Auto Runelite Plugins


  • Maniacal monkeys
  • Butterflies
  • Auto Herbiboar plugin
  • Birdhouses
  • Aerial fishing

Early levels can be done by tagging a butterfly and using a color clicking AHK script.

AHK Skiller

Herbiboar is good for breaking up the training methods and for pet hunting

Auto Runelite Plugins

Maniacal monkeys can be easily Macro recorded for periods of 1 hour at a time by baskets of bananas. Trying to add banking or looting bones is somewhat unreliable.

Aerial fishing and birdhouses can also be macro recorded by setting up the correct markers.

Macro Recorder


  • Teleport spam
  • High alchemy
  • Lunar spells

Personally I would recommend unlocking the best lunar spells for multi skilling with other skills as high alchemy is not that quick. Power train magic by spamming teleports and then unlock Lunar spells.

Macro Recorder


  • Power train iron
  • Calcified rocks
  • Auto Motherlode Mine plugin

Power training mining is easy enough with the macro recorder. Recommended to power mine in the Mining guild, by having a stack of unidentified minerals and not dropping that slot, you can unlock the Mining gloves.

For a more AFK method, tagging the calcified rocks and using color clicking also works. Unlocking the Prifddinas mine also gives an easy way to bank ores, reducing clicks as you no longer need to drop.

Macro Recorder

Auto Motherlode Mine plugin is useful for unlocking the Propsector’s outfit for the Falador diary as well as the coal bag.

Auto Runelite Plugins


  • Unnoting with Phials
  • Demonic offering

Can be done in the same method as Construction using POH and Macro recorder or bank standing with Demonic offering.

Macro Recorder


  • Auto GOTR plugin

Use the Auto GOTR plugin

Auto Runelite Plugins


  • Dart tips

Anvil smithing is easily macro recorded, I recommend dart tips for AFK as running out of Run energy can mess up recordings.

Macro Recorder


  • Stalls
  • Auto Ardougne Knight plugin

Use the macro recorder for early thieving at stalls with little chance of failing. Make sure the spot you click on the stall won’t make your character move if the stall is currently out of stock.

Macro Recorder

Use the Auto Ardougne Knight plugin from 55 onwards.

Auto Runelite Plugins


All power chopping methods are possible with the Macro recorder. Make sure the point where you click the tree doesn’t make you move position. This is easiest achieved by setting your camera vertical and clicking the tile right next to the character that also clicks a tree.

Macro Recorder

Alternatively use the Auto Power training plugin.

Auto Runelite Plugins

Skills covered by using the AHK Auto Runelite Plugins

Auto Runelite Plugins

  • Agility (Rooftops)
  • Combat (NMZ, Pest control, Crabs)
  • Fishing (Power training)
  • Mining (Power training)
  • Runecraft (GOTR, Zeah bloodrunes)
  • Woodcutting (Power training)
  • Farming (Title farm)

Skills covered by using the Macro Recorder

Macro recorder
  • Construction
  • Cooking
  • Crafting
  • Fletching
  • Fishing (Power training)
  • Herblore
  • Magic
  • Mining (Power training)
  • Prayer
  • Ranged (cannon)
  • Smithing
  • Thieving (fruit stalls)
  • Woodcutting (Power training)

Skills covered by using the AHK Skiller

AHK Skiller

  • Cooking
  • Crafting
  • Firemaking
  • Fishing
  • Fletching
  • Herblore
  • Hunter
  • Magic
  • Mining
  • Ranged (cannon)
  • Smithing
  • Thieving
  • Woodcutting